A village within a village.


Bristol Village Cohousing is a community of 14 households, located in the village of Bristol, Vermont, on the edge of the Green Mountains.

We’re a group of individuals and families that has come together to build an extraordinary life together. Some of us are here to enjoy a low-key, walkable lifestyle in a vibrant small town. Some of us are here to live with a low-carbon footprint in homes built to the highest energy-performance standards. And some of us are here for a community designed to promote casual interaction and easy sociability, where kids play in safety and neighbors lend each other a hand.

We are not affiliated with any organization, religious or otherwise. We are simply a loose collection of folks who are determined to find a better way of living – simpler lifestyles, the support of community, less reliance on fossil fuels.

Our work together has given us opportunities to get to know each other better and to share the occasional meal, cup of coffee, and bouts of laughter.


“I love Bristol Village Cohousing. It’s hard to believe we are located in the center of this historic Vermont town, across from the town green, and within walking distance of everything: shops, restaurants and bakeries, performance spaces, and the library.”

— Penelope, resident